What can Online EMDR intensives resolve?

Do you lie in your King size mahogany bed at night covered in expensive French linen light blue sheets crying and feeling helpless to stop choosing the wrong partner. You’ve had years of therapy and nothing has changed. You wish desperately that someone could wave a magic want and then you would meet someone amazing who is serious about you.

Ever find yourself staring at your phone screen for the fourth time in half-an-hour, feeling empty and desperate that your partner is pulling away from you? You flipped over something trivial for the umpteenth time as you walked tipsily along the pavement on a balmy summer’s evening after drinks with friends. You feel helpless to change how you react despite promising yourself and them over and over that you will change. You have explored all the childhood reasons for why you behave this way and yet you keep on doing it. You wish you could take a magic pill to eliminate the angry outbursts and stay cool, calm and collected.

You’re hunched over a laptop propped on your legs in bed at midnight in a dimly-lit bedroom with clothes and a take-away box and plastic cutlery strewn over the beige carpet. You’re criticising yourself for wasting the whole weekend when you knew you had this important work assignment deadline.You didn’t enjoy your weekend because you felt guilty. You  really want to get better at organising your time and make a sustainable shift.

What if I could facilitate you to create that shift through an intensive EMDR session? This is a 6 1/2 hour session which includes two intensive 2.5 sessions of EMDR plus an initial assessment. We focus on a specific aim that you wish to achieve for example to change  disproportionately angry outbursts when you perceive your partner as disrespecting you. Or, to stand up for yourself in relationships. Or, to not procrastinate. Doing an intensive allows us to deep dive into the attachment wounds which are influencing how you respond to your current situation. It allows us to thoroughly process them without getting distracted. Knowing that we are together for 6.5 hours encourages you to relax into the process and open up. Sometimes in 1-1- sessions we warm up and start to trust the process just as the session is over.

 Benefits of Online EMDR 1-Day Intensives

  • Go deeper quicker and create change faster.

  • Trust the process more as you know you have plenty of time which means more material can become available to work on.

  • Waste less time as we don’t have to spend time checking in about your week and then close down the session after 50-minutes.

  • A one-off rather than needing to make time for therapy at the same time every week for several weeks or months

  • Start sooner, no need to wait for a space to open up on a waiting list.

Who is Online Intensive EMDR for ? 

  • Those who have supportive family and friends

  • Those who have self-care practices in place such as exercise, yoga, breathing etc.

  • Those who have had therapy in the past

  • Those who are in therapy but want to work on a specific blockage

  • Those who want to process a one-off traumatic event

Who is Online Intensive EMDR not for?

  • Those who are not well supported

  • Those who have significant difficulties with functioning or getting on with others.

  • Those who have not had much prior therapy

  • Those who have significant trouble managing their emotions and nervous system activation

How Does It Work and What Does It Cost?

6 1/2 hours - currently on Thursdays from 4.30pm to 11pm. It includes a 50-minute assessment and 2x 2 1/2 sessions. Also includes a 30-minute break and a free 30-min follow up session a week later. The cost is £1000.

Want to know more?

Email me to set up an initial free 15-minute call to see if we could work intensively on your issues.